Sussex Eye Laser Clinic


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FAQ’s on Eye Treatment and Laser Eye Surgery

Client care is our top priority. To make sure that you’re fully at ease, we provide you with a warm welcome, a dedicated nurse to look after you, a choice of local anesthesia, general anesthesia, and sedation, and comfortable treatment throughout.

Like all surgery, there’s a risk involved. However, with years of experience, extensive training, and unrivalled knowledge, we’re happy to tell you that it is safe. Any worries you have can be discussed with our team prior to treatment.

Yes, you can enquire about 0% finance through Chrysalis Finance. This allows you to receive high-quality eye care if you don’t have a lump sum to pay up front.

This depends on the procedure you have chosen. In general the immediate recovery period is up to 12 hours, with most patients seeing clearly within 24 hours. While some patients take as long as five days to fully see the benefits, this is rare.

Laser eye surgeries offers several benefits to clients, including improved vision, immediate effect, and a massive reduction in glasses/ contact lens dependency. More than 99% of clients have their desired vision after this surgery!