Dr. Mayank A. Nanavaty
MBBS, D.O, FRCOphth, PhD
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Cornea and anterior segment services:
Sussex Eye Hospital,
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust,
Brighton, United Kingdom
Princess Royal Hospital,
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust,
Haywards Heath, United Kingdom
Nuffield Hospital,
Woodingdean, Brighton, United Kingdom
Nuffield Hospital,
Burrell Road, Haywards Heath, United Kingdom
Sussex Eye Laser Clinic
Personal Information
- Name: Mayank Ambarish Nanavaty
- Sex: Male
- Marital status: Married
- Home address: 183, Church Hill Road, Cheam. SM3 8NE
- Telephone No: 0044-7947166134
- E-Mail: mayank.nanavaty@nhs.net; mayank_nanavaty@hotmail.com
- Citizenship: British
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Fellowship of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (FRCOphth)
- Membership of The Royal College Ophthalmologists (MRCOphth)
- Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MRCSEd)
- Diploma in Ophthalmology (D.O.)
- Diplomat of National Board (DNB) Part 1
Bachelor of medicine & Bachelor of surgery (MBBS)
Current Positions
- Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at the Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS trust
- Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Brighton & Sussex Medical School
- Honorary General Secretary of United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (UKISCRS)
- Section Editor for Eye Journal (Nature Publishing) of Royal College of Ophthalmologists.
- Scientific committee and Certificate of Laser Refractive Surgery (CertLRS) committee member at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Chief senior examiner for the Certificate of Laser Refractive Surgery (CertLRS) examination at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- National Cataract Workforce Committee member at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Member of Cataract Clinical Guidelines Development Group at the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)
- Member of the programme committee at the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)
- MAC Ophthalmology lead at the Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital, Woodingdean
- Lead for cataract, corneal, crosslinking services and research at the Sussex Eye Hospital.
- Medical director at the www.sussexeyelaserclinic.co.uk
- External Examiner at Ulster University for PgDip/MSc Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ended March 2024)
- Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (000000918123)
- Member of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (095001)
- Member of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
- Member of the United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
- Member of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (No. 6964)
- Member of the EuCornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialities
- Member of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS)
- Member of the British Society of Refractive Surgery (BSRS)
- Life Member of the All-India Ophthalmic Society (Memb. No. N10052)
- Member of the British Medical Association (9519380)
- American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery (AECOS) (the membership is by invitation only in this society)
Professional Registrations
- GMC Registration: 6067458. Full registration with license to practice and on specialist register for Ophthalmology since 30th January 2013.
- Gujarat (India) Medical Council Registration: MBBS: Full registration G-28667 since 4-05-2000
- Gujarat (India) Medical Council Registration: D O.: Full registration G-12452 since 12-12-2003
Academic Awards and Distinctions
- I received following awards from the American Academy of Ophthalmology:
- The International Ophthalmologist Education Award – September 2015
- Achievement Award for contribution to the Academy – November 2016
- PhD at the City University, London.
- Editorial board member of ‘The international journal of keratoconus and ectatic corneal disease’. http://www.ijkecd.com/Eboard.aspx
- I am an accredited reviewer of few international Ophthalmology journals and I have reviewed over 300 papers for the following journals in past few years:
- ”Ophthalmology” since April 2006
- ”Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery” since June 2008
- ”Eye” since October 2007
- ”Ophthalmologica” since January 2010
- ”Indian Journal of Ophthalmology” since June 2007
- ”Journal of Refractive Surgery” since July 2011
- “Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science” since Sept 2011
- “BMJ Open Journal” since December 2012
- “PLOS one” since May 2013
- “American Journal of Ophthalmology” since December 2013
- “Cornea” since April 2015
- “Translational Visual Science & Technology” (ARVO Journal) since October 2016
- “BMC Ophthalmology” since October 2016
- Awarded ‘Silver Reviewer Award’ by the Journal of Refractive Surgery in 2019.
- Invited to join the ‘Top 100’ club of reviewers at the JCRS in 2020.
- Acknowledged as ‘Top 10 reviewers of 2019’ by Eye Journal of Royal College of Ophthalmologists.
- Best overall paper award (£1000) at the British Society of Refractive Surgery meeting on 29th March 2015 held in Birmingham for: Collier-Wakefield O, Annoh R, Nanavaty MA. Relationship between age, corneal astigmatism and ocular dimensions in reference to astigmatism correction during cataract surgery.
- Best refractive surgery paper award (£750) at United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference on 5th September 2013 at Manchester for: Shalchi Z, Xue X, Nanavaty MA. Safety and efficacy of epithelial removal and transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking in eyes with keratoconus: a systematic review.
- Best paper of the conference (£1000) at the United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference on at EXCEL London on 12th September 2014 for: Chervenkoff J, Hawkes E, Ortiz G, Horney D, Nanavaty MA. Changes in the central, paracentral and peripheral cornea after eye rubbing: a randomised controlled study.
- Invited panelist in following free paper sessions:
- “Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery” – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Los Angeles, 10th April 2017
- “Femtosecond Laser Vs Conventional Phaco” – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, New Orleans, May 2016
- “Presbyopia correcting intraocular lenses” – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, San Diego, April 2015
- “Astigmatism management” – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference, San Frincisco, April 2013
- ”Toric IOLs”- American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference, Chicago, April 2012
- ”Intraocular Surgery, PCO and OVDs” – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference, Boston, April 2010
- Awarded bursary of 500 GBP and free conference registration by United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Society to attend and present my research at European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Winter Meeting 2009.
- Awarded ‘Best paper of the session’ for the free paper presentation, Depth-of-Focus in Pseudophakic Eyes with Monofocal Spheric and Aspheric IOL at American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Conference, San Francisco, 6th April 2009
- Invited as a surgical faculty on ‘Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty course’ at American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017
Research Grants Awarded
- I was the Chief (CI) and principal investigator (PI) with co-investigators as Prof. David Spalton and Dr. Catey Bunce for the prestigious ESCRS (European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery) grant of approximately £75000 for ‘Monofocal Extended Depth of focus (MERoV)’ Study completed in May 2022. (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04011696)( https://www.escrs.org/education/research-portals/merov-the-monofocal-extended-range-of-vision-study/)
- I received a Research Grant as CI and PI of £2000 from NuVision Therapeutics, UK for trial of Omnigen/Omnilenz with a central hole in dry eye patients in 2022.
- I received a grant of £38000 from Johnson & Johnson for an investigator-initiated project as a CI and PI on ‘Prospective, randomized, comparison of Tecnis Eyhance versus Rayner RayOne’ in 2019. Study completed in 2021. (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04175951?term=Nanavaty&draw=2&rank=3)
- I received a grant of £54000 from Alcon Laboratories for a sponsored project as a principal investigator on ‘Clinical Investigation of Patient Outcomes after IOL Implantation with Different IOL Delivery Systems’ in 2020. Study completed in 2021.
- Successfully secured a research grant as CI and PI of £ 35299.65 from Rayner Intraocular lens Ltd. UK for a study on “Prospective, Randomized, Fellow Eye Comparative Study evaluating correlation between Ciliary Sulcus Anatomy with other Ocular Parameters using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy after horizontal or vertical placement of the intraocular lens in the capsular bag during standard cataract surgery” in 2017. Study completed in 2018. (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04208633?term=nanavaty&draw=2&rank=4)
- I received Research Grant of £25000 for 5 years from Rayner Intraocular lens Ltd. UK as CI and PI for a study on “Randomized controlled trial comparing limbal relaxing incisions Vs. toric intraocular lens for corneal astigmatism between 0.75-2.5D during standard cataract surgery” in 2015. Study completed in 2021.
- I received a Research Grant of £93,000 from Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas to conduct a 3 year follow up study as a PI on ‘Post-Market evaluation of Clareon Intraocular Lens”. Study completed in September 2021. (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02067429?term=Nanavaty&draw=2&rank=4)
- I received a Research Grant of £3000 as CI and PI for conducting the edge evaluation of newer square edge lenses from CuttingEdge Ltd. Study completed in 2018.
- I received a Research Grant of £9500 from Ziemer AG, Switzerland as CI and PI for the Ex-vivo project on assessing surface quality of porcine corneal lenticules. Study completed in 2021.
- I received a Research Grant of £11000 as CI and PI for conducting edge and electron microscopic analysis of Alcon Clareon IOL by Alcon Laboratories before it’s commercial launch. Study completed in 2018.
- I received a Research Grant of £10000 as CI and PI for a project on ex-vivo comparison of preloaded IOL injection systems by Rayner Intraocular lens UK Ltd. Study completed in 2017.
- I received a local internal Research Grant as CI and PI in the form of staff support time (circa £10000) to conduct the study “Eye Rubbing and transient changes in corneal parameters”. Study completed in 2015. (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02131740?term=nanavaty&draw=2&rank=2)
- I received a local internal Research Grant as CI and PI in the form of staff & material support (circa £10000) to conduct the study “Commercial Slit Lamp Anterior Segment Photography versus Digital Compact Camera Mounted on a Standard Slit Lamp with an Adapter”. Study completed in 2018.
Research Grant Application Under Consideration
- I am the principal investigator (PI) for the project: “Visual and optical outcomes after mini-monovision with hydrophobic Clareon monofocal” funded by Alcon Laboratories, USA. Grant support will be circa $80000.
- I am the principal investigator (CI) for the project: “Feasibility study for a Randomised Controlled Trial Evaluating the Need for Topical Antibiotics after Routine Cataract Surgery (NOTACS Trial).” NIHR RfPB funding application in consideration.
Over 400 presentations internationally and nationally. Regularly invited to chair, organize and present lectures, sessions, and debates at national and international conferences (in alphabetical order):
- All India Ophthalmological Society Conference (AIOS)
- American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
- American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery (AECOS)
- American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS)
- British Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (BSRS)
- European Federation of Contact Lens & Intraocular lens industry (EFCLIN)
- European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons annual and winter meeting (ESCRS)
- International Congress of German Ophthalmic Surgeons (DOC)
- Royal College of Ophthalmologist annual congresses and seminars (RCOphth)
- United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery annual and satellite meetings (UKISCRS)
- Trends in Ophthalmology Conference, London.
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Saunders A, Sancha W, Nanavaty MA, Wearne M, Rajak S. Simulation-based training for intraoperative posterior capsule rupture management: an analysis of nontechnical skills development and the relationship between technical and nontechnical skills. Eye (Lond). 2024. Epub 20240404. doi: 10.1038/s41433-024-03051-y. PubMed PMID: 38575658.
- Way C, Elghobaier MG, Nanavaty MA. Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy-Review. Vision (Basel). 2024;8(1). Epub 20240321. doi: 10.3390/vision8010016. PubMed PMID: 38535765; PMCID: PMC10974391.
- Romano V, Madrid-Costa D, Alfonso JF, Alio J, Allan B, Angunawela R, Auffarth G, Carones F, Khoramnia R, Moore J, Nanavaty MA, Savini G, Pagano L, Romano MR, Virgili G, Fernández-Vega-Cueto L. Reply to comment on: Recommendation for presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses: A Delphi consensus statement by the ESASO study group. Am J Ophthalmol. 2024;258:223. Epub 20230806. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2023.07.024. PubMed PMID: 37549819.
- Nanavaty MA, Ross J. Caution with Nd:YAG capsulotomy and pinhole aperture intraocular lens. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2024:104174. Epub 20240329. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2024.104174. PubMed PMID: 38555257.
- Nanavaty MA, Mukhija R, Ashena Z, Bunce C, Spalton DJ. Reply : Incidence and factors for pseudoaccommodation after monofocal lens implantation: the Monofocal Extended Range of Vision study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2024;50(6):660. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001451. PubMed PMID: 38598414.
- Nanavaty MA, Ashena Z, Bekono-Nessah I, Harding J. Development of a Web-Based Algorithm for Understanding the Intraocular Lens-Based Surgery in Stable and Progressing Keratoconus for Non-Specialist Ophthalmologists. Curr Eye Res. 2024;49(2):140-9. Epub 20240118. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2023.2270727. PubMed PMID: 37870048.
- Nanavaty MA. Evolving generation of new Extended Depth of Focus intraocular lenses. Eye (Lond). 2024;38(Suppl 1):1-3. Epub 20240405. doi: 10.1038/s41433-024-03045-w. PubMed PMID: 38580744; PMCID: PMC11080628.
- Mukhija R, Fonseca A, Borkum S, Frattaroli P, Barbon E, Nanavaty MA. Toric Intraocular Lens versus Peripheral Corneal Relaxing Incisions for Astigmatism between 0.75 and 2.5 Diopters: 5-Years Outcomes. Curr Eye Res. 2024;49(1):46-52. Epub 20240103. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2023.2260961. PubMed PMID: 37789513.
- Maguire MJ, Mukhija R, Nanavaty MA. A simple and effective corneal gluing simulation. Eye (Lond). 2024;38(2):240-1. Epub 20230803. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02685-8. PubMed PMID: 37537390; PMCID: PMC10810859.
- Maguire MJ, Mukhija R, Nanavaty MA. Correction: A simple and effective corneal gluing simulation. Eye (Lond). 2024;38(2):409. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02704-8. PubMed PMID: 37640830; PMCID: PMC10810812.
- Giglio R, Vinciguerra AL, Presotto M, Jonak K, Rejdak R, Toro MD, Nanavaty MA, Tognetto D. Visual outcomes and patient satisfaction after bilateral implantation of an enhanced monofocal intraocular lens: a single-masked prospective randomized study. Int Ophthalmol. 2024;44(1):112. Epub 20240226. doi: 10.1007/s10792-024-02946-9. PubMed PMID: 38407686; PMCID: PMC10896881.
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Saunders A, Sancha W, Nanavaty MA, Wearne M, Rajak S. Non-technical skills simulation-based training model for managing intraoperative posterior capsule rupture during cataract surgery. Eye (Lond). 2023;37(3):474-9. Epub 20220209. doi: 10.1038/s41433-022-01962-2. PubMed PMID: 35140330; PMCID: PMC9905539.
- Way C, Swampillai AJ, Lim KS, Nanavaty MA. Factors influencing aqueous flare after cataract surgery and its evaluation with laser flare photometry. Ther Adv Ophthalmol. 2023;15:25158414231204111. Epub 20231214. doi: 10.1177/25158414231204111. PubMed PMID: 38107248; PMCID: PMC10725112.
- Romano V, Madrid-Costa D, Alfonso JF, Alio J, Allan B, Angunawela R, Auffarth G, Carones F, Khoramnia R, Moore J, Nanavaty MA, Savini G, Pagano L, Romano MR, Virgili G, Fernández-Vega-Cueto L. Recommendation for Presbyopia-Correcting Intraocular Lenses: A Delphi Consensus Statement by the ESASO Study Group. Am J Ophthalmol. 2023;253:169-80. Epub 20230524. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2023.05.002. PubMed PMID: 37236521.
- Nuijts R, Bhatt U, Nanavaty MA, Roberts TV, Peterson R, Teus MA. Three-year multinational clinical study on an aspheric hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2023;49(7):672-8. Epub 20230222. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001173. PubMed PMID: 36848238; PMCID: PMC10284131.
- Nanavaty MA, Mukhija R, Ashena Z, Bunce C, Spalton DJ. Incidence and factors for pseudoaccommodation after monofocal lens implantation: the Monofocal Extended Range of Vision study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2023;49(12):1229-35. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001302. PubMed PMID: 37769187.
- Nanavaty MA. Hydrophobic versus hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses within public sector based on the type of funding contacts: the debate continues. Eye (Lond). 2023;37(18):3712-3. Epub 20230804. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02684-9. PubMed PMID: 37542172; PMCID: PMC10697948.
- Murphy G, Owasil R, Kanavati S, Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA. Preoperative fundoscopy versus optical coherence tomography to detect occult maculopathy during cataract surgery preassessment. Eye (Lond). 2023;37(4):665-9. Epub 20220324. doi: 10.1038/s41433-022-02027-0. PubMed PMID: 35332291; PMCID: PMC8945867.
- Murphy G, Nanavaty MA. Response to Comment on: Preoperative fundoscopy versus optical coherence tomography to detect occult maculopathy during cataract surgery preassessment. Eye (Lond). 2023;37(18):3879. Epub 20230614. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02614-9. PubMed PMID: 37316713; PMCID: PMC10697928.
- Mukhija R, Trim MT, Nanavaty MA. Unusual case of dislocation of cyanoacrylate glue into the anterior chamber. BMJ Case Rep. 2023;16(1). Epub 20230131. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2022-254235. PubMed PMID: 36720513; PMCID: PMC9890828.
- Mukhija R, Quiney G, Nanavaty MA. Clinical Outcomes of Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty without Routine Prophylactic Peripheral Iridotomy. Vision (Basel). 2023;7(2). Epub 20230519. doi: 10.3390/vision7020041. PubMed PMID: 37218959; PMCID: PMC10204478.
- Mukhija R, Nanavaty MA. How old is too old for routine cataract surgery? Eye (Lond). 2023;37(16):3304-5. Epub 20230411. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02521-z. PubMed PMID: 37041347; PMCID: PMC10630324.
- Mukhija R, Henein C, Lee H, Phee J, Nanavaty MA. Outcomes of Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty performed in combination with, before, or after cataract surgery in Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy: A review of the literature and meta-analysis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2023;71(3):707-16. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1245_22. PubMed PMID: 36872665; PMCID: PMC10230002.
- Ashena Z, Mukhija R, Nanavaty MA. Full-Thickness Compressive Corneal Sutures with Removal of Anterior Chamber Air Bubble in the Management of Acute Corneal Hydrops. Vision (Basel). 2023;7(1). Epub 20230128. doi: 10.3390/vision7010010. PubMed PMID: 36810314; PMCID: PMC9944976.
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Sancha W, Saunders A, Lockington D, Nanavaty MA, Rajak S. Principles of simulation and their role in enhancing cataract surgery training. Eye (Lond). 2022;36(8):1529-31. Epub 20220402. doi: 10.1038/s41433-022-02052-z. PubMed PMID: 35368026; PMCID: PMC8976420.
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Sancha W, Nanavaty MA, Rajak S. Comparisons between cataract surgery and aviation. Eye (Lond). 2022;36(3):490-1. Epub 20220103. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01877-4. PubMed PMID: 34975149; PMCID: PMC8873221.
- Scantling-Birch Y, Naveed H, Mukhija R, Nanavaty MA. A Review of Smartphone Apps Used for Toric Intraocular Lens Calculation and Alignment. Vision (Basel). 2022;6(1). Epub 20220218. doi: 10.3390/vision6010013. PubMed PMID: 35225972; PMCID: PMC8883946.
- Patel P, Ashena Z, Vasavada V, Vasavada SA, Vasavada V, Sudhalkar A, Nanavaty MA. Comparison of intraocular lens calculation methods after myopic laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and radial keratotomy without prior refractive data. Br J Ophthalmol. 2022;106(1):47-53. Epub 20201022. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317681. PubMed PMID: 33093154.
- Nanavaty MA, Naveed H, Ashena Z, Mukhija R. Ex-vivo study on the surface quality of corneal lenticule and stroma after low energy femtosecond laser lenticule extraction. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):10034. Epub 20220615. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13468-8. PubMed PMID: 35705567; PMCID: PMC9200215.
- Nanavaty MA, Ashena Z, Gallagher S, Borkum S, Frattaroli P, Barbon E. Visual Acuity, Wavefront Aberrations, and Defocus Curves With an Enhanced Monofocal and a Monofocal Intraocular Lens: A Prospective, Randomized Study. J Refract Surg. 2022;38(1):10-20. Epub 20220101. doi: 10.3928/1081597x-20211109-02. PubMed PMID: 35020542.
- Mukhija R, Kanavati S, Nanavaty MA. Curious case of chronic corneal oedema. BMJ Case Rep. 2022;15(4). Epub 20220413. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-246334. PubMed PMID: 35418375; PMCID: PMC9014029.
- Kaur S, Shirodkar AL, Nanavaty MA, Austin M. Cost-effective and adaptable cataract surgery simulation with basic technology. Eye (Lond). 2022;36(7):1384-9. Epub 20210625. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01644-5. PubMed PMID: 34172944; PMCID: PMC8227359.
- Henein C, Fang CEH, Bokre D, Khan M, Adan A, Bouremel Y, Nanavaty MA. Optical aberrations following implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open. 2022;12(8):e059350. Epub 20220818. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059350. PubMed PMID: 35981777; PMCID: PMC9394190.
- Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA, Bardan AS, Thaker R, Bascaran L. Reply to Letter to Editor: Prophylactic Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs after Cataract Surgery and Corneal Melt. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2022;34(3):385-6. Epub 20221130. doi: 10.4103/joco.joco_176_22. PubMed PMID: 36644465; PMCID: PMC9832453.
- Ashena Z, Gallagher S, Naveed H, Spalton DJ, Nanavaty MA. Comparison of Anterior Corneal Aberrometry, Keratometry and Pupil Size with Scheimpflug Tomography and Ray Tracing Aberrometer. Vision (Basel). 2022;6(1). Epub 20220318. doi: 10.3390/vision6010018. PubMed PMID: 35324603; PMCID: PMC8951144.
- Ashena Z, Doherty S, Gokul A, McGhee CNH, Ziaei M, Nanavaty MA. Flattening of Central, Paracentral, and Peripheral Cones After Non-accelerated and Accelerated Epithelium-off CXL in Keratoconus: A Multicenter Study. J Refract Surg. 2022;38(5):310-6. Epub 20220501. doi: 10.3928/1081597x-20220404-02. PubMed PMID: 35536708.
- Yusuf IH, Matsou A, Lake D, Bostancı B, Nanavaty MA. Comment on: Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS): an Academic Teaching Center’s experience. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021;47(12):1604. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000831. PubMed PMID: 34846345.
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Zoutewelle S, Nanavaty MA, Rajak S. Development of the HUman Factors in intraoperative Ophthalmic Emergencies Scoring System (HUFOES) for non-technical skills in cataract surgery. Eye (Lond). 2021;35(2):616-24. Epub 20200505. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-0921-1. PubMed PMID: 32371930; PMCID: PMC8027445.
- Wood TC, Maqsood S, Nanavaty MA, Rajak S. Validity of scoring systems for the assessment of technical and non-technical skills in ophthalmic surgery-a systematic review. Eye (Lond). 2021;35(7):1833-49. Epub 20210301. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01463-8. PubMed PMID: 33649573; PMCID: PMC8225616.
- Naveed H, May Chew F, Lee H, Hughes E, Nanavaty MA. Aerosol generation through pars plana vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021;105(9):1313-7. Epub 20201014. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317214. PubMed PMID: 33055085.
- Nanavaty MA, Ashena Z. ‘Face down’ anterior vitrectomy for unexpected posterior capsule rupture as an alternative to pars plana vitrectomy. Eye (Lond). 2021;35(5):1515-7. Epub 20200528. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-0985-y. PubMed PMID: 32467629; PMCID: PMC8182825.
- Golash V, Kaur S, Naveed H, Nanavaty MA. Low-tech intraocular ophthalmic microsurgery simulation: A low-cost model for home use. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2021;69(10):2846-50. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_242_21. PubMed PMID: 34571647; PMCID: PMC8597503.
- Day AC, Burr JM, Bennett K, Hunter R, Bunce C, Doré CJ, Nanavaty MA, Balaggan KS, Wilkins MR. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery compared with phacoemulsification: the FACT non-inferiority RCT. Health Technol Assess. 2021;25(6):1-68. doi: 10.3310/hta25060. PubMed PMID: 33511963; PMCID: PMC7883211.
- Day AC, Burr JM, Bennett K, Dor EC, Bunce C, Hunter R, Nanavaty MA, Balaggan KS, Wilkins MR. Erratum to: Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery compared with phacoemulsification cataract surgery: randomized noninferiority trial with 1-year outcomes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021;47(2):286. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000504. PubMed PMID: 33901158.
- Chandra S, Sivaprasad S, Ursell PG, Naderi K, O’Brart D, Alwitry A, Zahra A, Nanavaty MA. Recurring themes during cataract assessment and surgery. Eye (Lond). 2021;35(9):2482-98. Epub 20210429. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01548-4. PubMed PMID: 33927353; PMCID: PMC8376990.
- Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA, Bardan AS, Thaker R, Bascaran L. Prophylactic Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs after Cataract Surgery and Corneal Melt. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2021;33(4):485-91. Epub 20220106. doi: 10.4103/joco.joco_107_21. PubMed PMID: 35128199; PMCID: PMC8772489.
- Ashena Z, Holmes C, Nanavaty MA. Pericardium Patch Graft for Severe Corneal Wound Burn. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2021;33(3):342-4. Epub 20211022. doi: 10.4103/joco.joco_195_20. PubMed PMID: 34765825; PMCID: PMC8579793.
- Ashena Z, Hickman-Casey T, Nanavaty MA. Descemet membrane suturing to manage recurrent graft detachment in a patient with Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty on failed penetrating keratoplasty. Ther Adv Ophthalmol. 2021;13:25158414211027705. Epub 20210706. doi: 10.1177/25158414211027705. PubMed PMID: 34286213; PMCID: PMC8264843.
- Vasavada SA, Patel P, Vaishnav VR, Ashena Z, Srivastava S, Vasavada V, Nanavaty MA. Comparison of Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry and Swept-Source OCT-Based Biometry Devices in Dense Cataracts. J Refract Surg. 2020;36(8):557-64. doi: 10.3928/1081597x-20200612-03. PubMed PMID: 32785730.
- Naveed H, Scantling-Birch Y, Lee H, Nanavaty MA. Controversies regarding mask usage in ophthalmic units in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eye (Lond). 2020;34(7):1172-4. Epub 20200423. doi: 10.1038/s41433-020-0892-2. PubMed PMID: 32327740; PMCID: PMC7179380.
- Nanavaty MA, Salvage J, Ashena Z. Scanning Electron Microscopic of Intraocular Lens Pits after Nd:YAG Capsulotomy. Ophthalmology. 2020;127(11):1538. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.07.002. PubMed PMID: 33097112.
- Nanavaty MA, Ashena Z. Refractive lens exchange with a trifocal intraocular lens in Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(3):478-81. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000104. PubMed PMID: 32050211.
- Lee H, Naveed H, Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA. Aerosol generation through phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(9):1290-6. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000288. PubMed PMID: 32569027.
- Lee H, Naveed H, Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA. Reply. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(10):1448-50. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000383. PubMed PMID: 33060484.
- Day AC, Burr JM, Bennett K, Doré CJ, Bunce C, Hunter R, Nanavaty MA, Balaggan KS, Wilkins MR. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery compared with phacoemulsification cataract surgery: randomized noninferiority trial with 1-year outcomes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(10):1360-7. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000257. PubMed PMID: 32773608.
- Day AC, Burr JM, Bennett K, Bunce C, Doré CJ, Rubin GS, Nanavaty MA, Balaggan KS, Wilkins MR. Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Versus Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery (FACT): A Randomized Noninferiority Trial. Ophthalmology. 2020;127(8):1012-9. Epub 20200303. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.02.028. PubMed PMID: 32386810; PMCID: PMC7397499.
- Bardan AS, Kubrak-Kisza M, Kisza KJ, Nanavaty MA. Impact of classifying keratoconus location based on keratometry or pachymetry on progression parameters. Clin Exp Optom. 2020;103(3):312-9. Epub 20190611. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12927. PubMed PMID: 31184397.
- Ashena Z, Nanavaty MA. Re-Endothelialization of Bare Stroma after Descemet’s Detachment due to Macroperforation during Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2020;32(4):423-6. Epub 20201212. doi: 10.4103/joco.Joco_79_20. PubMed PMID: 33553849; PMCID: PMC7861102.
- Ashena Z, Maqsood S, Ahmed SN, Nanavaty MA. Effect of Intraocular Lens Tilt and Decentration on Visual Acuity, Dysphotopsia and Wavefront Aberrations. Vision (Basel). 2020;4(3). Epub 20200914. doi: 10.3390/vision4030041. PubMed PMID: 32937750; PMCID: PMC7559075.
- Ashena Z, Gallagher S, Nanavaty MA. Wavefront aberrations causing Maddox rod effect from posterior capsular striae. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(11):1568-9. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000297. PubMed PMID: 33149068.
- Ashena Z, Dashputra R, Nanavaty MA. Autoimmune Dry Eye without Significant Ocular Surface Co-Morbidities and Mental Health. Vision (Basel). 2020;4(4). Epub 20201010. doi: 10.3390/vision4040043. PubMed PMID: 33050472; PMCID: PMC7711510.
- Ahmed SN, Shahid SM, Nanavaty MA. Delayed Onset Scleromalacia and Conjunctival Bleb Formation Following Intraoperative Mitomycin C Application during Conjunctival Melanoma Excision. Vision (Basel). 2020;4(2). Epub 20200506. doi: 10.3390/vision4020024. PubMed PMID: 32384819; PMCID: PMC7356894.
- Zukaite I, Bedi KK, Ali S, Nanavaty MA. Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal astigmatism up to 2.5 dioptres on corneal densitometry. Eye (Lond). 2019;33(5):804-11. Epub 20190102. doi: 10.1038/s41433-018-0327-5. PubMed PMID: 30602756; PMCID: PMC6707177.
- Nanavaty MA, Zukaite I, Salvage J. Edge profile of commercially available square-edged intraocular lenses: Part 2. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019;45(6):847-53. Epub 20190328. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2018.12.004. PubMed PMID: 30929976.
- Nanavaty MA, Teeluck K, Bardan AS, Bedi KK, Ali S. Residual Refractive Astigmatism following Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation without Consideration of Posterior Corneal Astigmatism during Cataract Surgery with Low Anterior Keratometric Astigmatism upto 2.5 Dioptres. Curr Eye Res. 2019;44(12):1399-406. Epub 20190705. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2019.1638418. PubMed PMID: 31272230.
- Nanavaty MA. Epithelial ingrowth following LASIK managed with Nd:YAG laser. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2019;67(9):1474. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1825_18. PubMed PMID: 31436200; PMCID: PMC6727717.
- Lee H, Zukaite I, Juniat V, Dimitry ME, Lewis A, Nanavaty MA. Changes in symmetry of anterior chamber following routine cataract surgery in non-glaucomatous eyes. Eye Vis (Lond). 2019;6:19. Epub 20190703. doi: 10.1186/s40662-019-0144-3. PubMed PMID: 31309126; PMCID: PMC6607582.
- Ahmed SN, Shahid SM, Nanavaty MA. Misdiagnosed opacification of a hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019;45(10):1512-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2019.07.024. PubMed PMID: 31564324.
- Vasquez-Perez A, Simpson A, Nanavaty MA. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in a public teaching hospital setting. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018;18(1):26. Epub 20180202. doi: 10.1186/s12886-018-0693-6. PubMed PMID: 29394929; PMCID: PMC5797358.
- Vasquez-Perez A, Naqib SM, Nanavaty MA. Modified Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty for eyes with glaucoma drainage devices and shallow anterior chambers. Int Ophthalmol. 2018;38(4):1753-7. Epub 20170703. doi: 10.1007/s10792-017-0621-4. PubMed PMID: 28670653.
- Vasquez-Perez A, Nanavaty MA. Modified Allogenic Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation Followed by Keratoplasty as Treatment for Total Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2018;26(8):1189-91. Epub 20170712. doi: 10.1080/09273948.2017.1332229. PubMed PMID: 28700252.
- Oliphant H, Kennedy A, Comyn O, Spalton DJ, Nanavaty MA. Commercial Slit Lamp Anterior Segment Photography versus Digital Compact Camera Mounted on a Standard Slit Lamp with an Adapter. Curr Eye Res. 2018;43(10):1290-4. Epub 20180706. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2018.1490435. PubMed PMID: 29909703.
- Nanavaty MA, Vijjan KS, Yvon C. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty: A surgeon’s guide. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2018;30(4):297-310. Epub 20180710. doi: 10.1016/j.joco.2018.06.004. PubMed PMID: 30555961; PMCID: PMC6276733.
- Nanavaty MA, Bedi KK, Vasquez-Perez A. Small-pupil cataract surgery with/without hooks using femtosecond laser with fluid interface. Can J Ophthalmol. 2018;53(3):e124-e7. Epub 20171124. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2017.08.020. PubMed PMID: 29784179.
- Nanavaty MA. Unveiling opacification of intraocular lens following a successful penetrating keratoplasty for extensively scarred cornea due to microbial keratitis after Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2018;66(5):696. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1253_17. PubMed PMID: 29676320; PMCID: PMC5939168.
- Chew FM, Teeluck K, Nanavaty MA. A paracentesis to save time and money with re-bubbling after descemets membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Eye (Lond). 2018;32(2):238-9. Epub 20170901. doi: 10.1038/eye.2017.189. PubMed PMID: 28862260; PMCID: PMC5811708.
- Bardan AS, Lee H, Nanavaty MA. Outcomes of Simultaneous and Sequential Cross-linking With Excimer Laser Surface Ablation in Keratoconus. J Refract Surg. 2018;34(10):690-6. doi: 10.3928/1081597x-20180824-01. PubMed PMID: 30296330.
- Nanavaty MA, Kubrak-Kisza M. Evaluation of preloaded intraocular lens injection systems: Ex vivo study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2017;43(4):558-63. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2017.02.019. PubMed PMID: 28532943.
- Nanavaty MA, Bedi KK, Ali S, Holmes M, Rajak S. Toric Intraocular Lenses Versus Peripheral Corneal Relaxing Incisions for Astigmatism Between 0.75 and 2.5 Diopters During Cataract Surgery. Am J Ophthalmol. 2017;180:165-77. Epub 20170621. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2017.06.007. PubMed PMID: 28647461.
- Henein C, Nanavaty MA. Systematic review comparing penetrating keratoplasty and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for management of keratoconus. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2017;40(1):3-14. Epub 20161029. doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2016.10.001. PubMed PMID: 27802912.
- Chervenkoff JV, Hawkes E, Ortiz G, Horney D, Nanavaty MA. A randomized, fellow eye, comparison of keratometry, aberrometry, tear film, axial length and the anterior chamber depth after eye rubbing in non-keratoconic eyes. Eye Vis (Lond). 2017;4:19. Epub 20170814. doi: 10.1186/s40662-017-0084-8. PubMed PMID: 28815191; PMCID: PMC5554973.
- Nanavaty MA, Dizon M, Malde S, Favor D, Lake DB. Peripheral corneal relaxing incisions based on anterior keratometry from Scheimpflug tomography versus Placido topography during standard cataract surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2016;254(2):297-305. Epub 20151205. doi: 10.1007/s00417-015-3232-7. PubMed PMID: 26637446.
- Collier Wakefield O, Annoh R, Nanavaty MA. Relationship between age, corneal astigmatism, and ocular dimensions with reference to astigmatism in eyes undergoing routine cataract surgery. Eye (Lond). 2016;30(4):562-9. Epub 20160122. doi: 10.1038/eye.2015.274. PubMed PMID: 26795412; PMCID: PMC5108535.
- Chowdhury HR, Comyn O, Jones G, Nanavaty MA. Mycobacterium chelonae in a tectonic corneal graft. Oman J Ophthalmol. 2016;9(3):177-8. doi: 10.4103/0974-620x.192292. PubMed PMID: 27843236; PMCID: PMC5084504.
- Shalchi Z, Wang X, Nanavaty MA. Safety and efficacy of epithelium removal and transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking for keratoconus. Eye (Lond). 2015;29(1):15-29. Epub 20141003. doi: 10.1038/eye.2014.230. PubMed PMID: 25277300; PMCID: PMC4289825.
- Hirji N, Nanavaty MA. Management of corneal decompensation 4 decades after Sputnik intraocular lens implantation. Eye Contact Lens. 2015;41(1):e1-4. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0b013e31829e8f03. PubMed PMID: 24113460.
- Nanavaty MA, Wang X, Shortt AJ. Endothelial keratoplasty versus penetrating keratoplasty for Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;2014(2):Cd008420. Epub 20140214. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008420.pub3. PubMed PMID: 24526345; PMCID: PMC4260402.
- Nanavaty MA, Shah AN, Al-Sukkar R, Lake DB. Recurrent microbial keratitis in eyes with keratoconjunctivitis sicca with coexisting ocular surface pathology. Oman J Ophthalmol. 2014;7(3):161-4. doi: 10.4103/0974-620x.142608. PubMed PMID: 25378890; PMCID: PMC4220412.
- Nanavaty MA, Long M, Malhotra R. Transdermal androgen patches in evaporative dry eye syndrome with androgen deficiency: a pilot study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98(4):567-9. Epub 20131216. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304637. PubMed PMID: 24344229.
- Lam FC, Georgoudis P, Nanavaty MA, Khan S, Lake D. Sterile keratitis after combined riboflavin-UVA corneal collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. Eye (Lond). 2014;28(11):1297-303. Epub 20140808. doi: 10.1038/eye.2014.173. PubMed PMID: 25104740; PMCID: PMC4274277.
- Daya SM, Nanavaty MA, Espinosa-Lagana MM. Translenticular hydrodissection, lens fragmentation, and influence on ultrasound power in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014;40(1):37-43. Epub 20131122. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2013.07.040. PubMed PMID: 24269138.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Gala KB, Dhital A, Boyce J. Fellow-eye comparison of posterior capsule opacification between 2 aspheric microincision intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013;39(5):705-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2012.12.030. PubMed PMID: 23608567.
- Nanavaty MA, Favor MP, Lake DB. Comparison of equivalent keratometric indices on Scheimpflug tomography with Placido-based topography system at different optical zones. Br J Ophthalmol. 2013;97(3):350-6. Epub 20130107. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2012-302291. PubMed PMID: 23298886.
- Almousa R, Nanavaty MA, Daya SM, Lake DB. Intraocular pressure control and corneal graft survival after implantation of Ahmed valve device in high-risk penetrating keratoplasty. Cornea. 2013;32(8):1099-104. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e31828d2a17. PubMed PMID: 23615272.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Gala KB, Dhital A, Boyce J. Effect of intraocular lens asphericity on posterior capsule opacification between two intraocular lenses with same acrylic material: a fellow-eye study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012;90(2):e104-8. Epub 20111108. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2011.02286.x. PubMed PMID: 22067557.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Gala KB. Fellow-eye comparison of 2 aspheric microincision intraocular lenses and effect of asphericity on visual performance. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2012;38(4):625-32. Epub 20120218. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2011.10.039. PubMed PMID: 22342007.
- Nanavaty MA, Lake DB, Daya SM. Outcomes of pseudophakic toric intraocular lens implantation in Keratoconic eyes with cataract. J Refract Surg. 2012;28(12):884-9. doi: 10.3928/1081597x-20121106-02. PubMed PMID: 23310966.
- Nanavaty MA, Daya SM. Refractive lens exchange versus phakic intraocular lenses. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2012;23(1):54-61. doi: 10.1097/ICU.0b013e32834cd5d1. PubMed PMID: 22081028.
- Nanavaty MA, Daya SM. Outcomes of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in keratoconic eyes with previous hydrops. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012;96(10):1304-9. Epub 20120803. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2012-302110. PubMed PMID: 22863946.
- Nanavaty MA, Avisar I, Lake DB, Daya SM, Malhotra R. Management of skin retraction associated with Boston type II keratoprosthesis. Eye (Lond). 2012;26(10):1384-6. Epub 20120803. doi: 10.1038/eye.2012.144. PubMed PMID: 22863817; PMCID: PMC3470052.
- Nanavaty MA, Stanford MR, Sharma R, Dhital A, Spalton DJ, Marshall J. Use of the double-pass technique to quantify ocular scatter in patients with uveitis: a pilot study. Ophthalmologica. 2011;225(1):61-6. Epub 20100814. doi: 10.1159/000316690. PubMed PMID: 20714184.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Boyce JF. Influence of different acrylic intraocular lens materials on optical quality of vision in pseudophakic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37(7):1230-8. Epub 20110520. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2011.01.023. PubMed PMID: 21601419.
- Nanavaty MA, Shortt AJ. Endothelial keratoplasty versus penetrating keratoplasty for Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011(7):Cd008420. Epub 20110706. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008420.pub2. PubMed PMID: 21735430.
- Nanavaty MA, Wearne MJ. Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis during phaco-emulsification and intraocular lens implantation: national survey of smaller eye units in England. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010;38(5):462-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2010.02279.x. PubMed PMID: 20649616.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Marshall J. Effect of intraocular lens asphericity on vertical coma aberration. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(2):215-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.08.024. PubMed PMID: 20152600.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Boyce J, Vasavada AR. Islands of lens epithelial cells on the posterior capsule in pseudophakic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(7):1135-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.01.021. PubMed PMID: 20610091.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Boyce J, Saha S, Marshall J. Wavefront aberrations, depth of focus, and contrast sensitivity with aspheric and spherical intraocular lenses: fellow-eye study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009;35(4):663-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.12.011. PubMed PMID: 19304086.
- Nanavaty MA, Tomlin EA. Accommodative convergence per unit of accommodation ratio and bilateral LASIK in orthotropic patients. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008;34(7):1055-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.01.039. PubMed PMID: 18571058.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Boyce J, Brain A, Marshall J. Edge profile of commercially available square-edged intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008;34(4):677-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2007.12.024. PubMed PMID: 18361993.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ. Interplay of aberrations and visual parameters in pseudophakic eyes. Eye (Lond). 2008;22(12):1453-5. doi: 10.1038/eye.2008.303. PubMed PMID: 19078976.
- Nanavaty MA, Raj SM, Vasavada VA, Vasavada VA, Vasavada AR. Anterior capsule cover and axial movement of intraocular lens. Eye (Lond). 2008;22(8):1015-23. Epub 20070504. doi: 10.1038/sj.eye.6702817. PubMed PMID: 17464305.
- Hancox J, Spalton D, Cleary G, Boyce J, Nanavaty MA, Thyagarajan S, Marshall J. Fellow-eye comparison of posterior capsule opacification with AcrySof SN60AT and AF-1 YA-60BB blue-blocking intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008;34(9):1489-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.05.024. PubMed PMID: 18721708.
- Vasavada AR, Raj SM, Johar K, Nanavaty MA. Effect of hydrodissection alone and hydrodissection combined with rotation on lens epithelial cells: surgical approach for the prevention of posterior capsule opacification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(1):145-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2005.11.027. PubMed PMID: 16516794.
- Nanavaty MA, Vasavada AR, Patel AS, Raj SM, Desai TH. Analysis of patients with good uncorrected distance and near vision after monofocal intraocular lens implantation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(7):1091-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.03.021. PubMed PMID: 16857493.
- Nanavaty MA, Mehta PA, Raj SM, Vasavada AR. Diagnosis of pre-existing posterior capsule defect in traumatic white mature cataract with intact anterior capsule. Eye (Lond). 2006;20(8):949-51. Epub 20050812. doi: 10.1038/sj.eye.6702061. PubMed PMID: 16096657.
- Nanavaty MA, Johar K, Sivasankaran MA, Vasavada AR, Praveen MR, Zetterström C. Effect of trypan blue staining on the density and viability of lens epithelial cells in white cataract. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(9):1483-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.04.017. PubMed PMID: 16931259.
- Raj SM, Vasavada AR, Nanavaty MA. AcrySof Natural SN60AT versus AcrySof SA60AT intraocular lens in patients with color vision defects. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005;31(12):2324-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2005.08.052. PubMed PMID: 16473225.
- Nanavaty MA, Vasavada AR, Zetterström C. Phakic IOL implantation versus clear lens extraction in highly myopic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005;31(11):2041. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2005.12.011. PubMed PMID: 16412901.
- Nanavaty MA, Nanavaty AJ, Lakhani JD, Lakhani SJ, Vasavada AR. Subconjunctival adult bancroftian filarial worm. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2001;49(3):195-6. PubMed PMID: 15887732.
Peer Reviewed Articles Under Journal Review Currently
- Nanavaty MA, Safir M, Alwindi M. Measuring objective depth-of-focus corresponding to subjective depth-of-focus in pseudophakic eyes. J Refract Surg (under review)\
- Elghobaier MG, Nanavaty MA. Ten years’ experience of using proxymetacaine hydrochloride 0.5% for postoperative pain control in epithelial-off corneal crosslinking. J Refract Surg (under review)
- Nanavaty MA, Mukhija R, Ashena Z, Bunce C, Spalton DJ. Unaided Reading Vision in Pseudophakic Patients after Emmetropic Monofocal Intraocular lens implantation: MEROV study report 2. J Cat Refract Surg (under review)
Peer Reviewed Articles Under Preparation
- Nanavaty MA, Salvage J. Comparison of Scanning Electron Microscopy for various Descemets Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty injectors.
- Nanavaty MA, Offer C, Kier C, Frattaroli P, Bremner S. Prospective, randomised, fellow eye study on relationship between changes in the ciliary sulcus and anterior chamber diameter based on preoperative axial length and anterior chamber depth after horizontal or vertical placement of intraocular lens.
- Hopkinson A, Spencer T, Nanavaty MA. Anti-inflammatory properties of Amniotic Membrane in Excimer Laser-Based Surface Ablation
- Kisza KJ, Kubrak-Kisza M, Nanavaty MA. Deviation of cone apex from apparent pupil center in eyes with keratoconus depending on cone location.
- Nanavaty MA, Mukhija R, Ashena Z, Borkum S, Bunce C, Spalton DJ. Unaided reading vision in pseudophakic patients after emmetropic monofocal intraocular lensimplantation
- Nanavaty MA, Mukhija R, Ashena Z, Borkum S, Bunce C, Spalton DJ. Angle Kappa and unaided reading speed in pseudophakic eyes with monofocal intraocular lens.
Non-peer Reviewed Publications
- Nanavaty MA. When money is no object. July/August CRST Europe 2022.
- Kaur S, Golash V, Naveed H, Nanavaty MA. Not just for eating: Grapes and potatoes help surgery trainees hone skills. April 2022 OphthalmologyTimes Europe.
- Nanavaty MA. Zeimer Z8 femtosecond laser cataract surgery in eye with previous radial keratotomies and on tamsulosin. CRST Europe December 2015.
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ. PCO with two microincision aspheric IOLs. Ophthalmology Times (Europe). November 2013
- Nanavaty MA, Daya SM. Decision making: RLE Vs Phakic IOLs. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today (Europe); Oct (10):18-22.
- Nanavaty MA, Daya SM. High rates of spectacle independence with newer accommodating IOLs. Eurotimes, Febrary 2010 issue, page 12
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ. Edge sharpness of ‘square’ edge intraocular lenses. Ophthalmology Times (Europe Edition) March 2009.
- Vasavada AR, Raj SM, Johar KSR, Nanavaty MA, Gupta PD. Hydrodisection combined with rotation cleaves epithelial cells from capsular bag. Ocular Surgery News 2005 Sept (US edition); 23:18:10-12
Textbooks Chapters
- Shalchi Z, Nanavaty MA.
Chapter 73: Aspheric Intraocular Lens.
Editors and textbook: Siegfried Priglinger, Mehdi Shajari, Thomas Kohnen, Thomas C. Kreutzer, Wolfgang J. Mayer. Cataract & Lens Surgery. Springer Publications (ISBN-13: 9783031053931)
- Nanavaty MA, Bardan AS.
Chapter: Should Pellucid Marginal Degeneration Be Managed Differently Than Keratoconus?
Editor and textbook: Adel Barbara. Controversies in the Management of Keratoconus. Pages 383-389. Springer Publications (ISBN: 978-3-319-98031-7)
- Nanavaty MA, Vasavada AR, Gupta PD.
Chapter: Age Related Cataract: Management and Prevention. Editor and textbook: Rattan, S.I.S., Kassem, M. Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases. (Eds.), 2006, page number 159-174. Springer publications (ISBN 978-1-4020-4884-5).
- Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ.
Microincision intraocular lenses. (Chapter in a textbook on Microincison Cataract surgery , Edited by Dr Amar Agrawal and Dr Richard Lindstrom, by SLACK publishers
Faculty at Courses & Conferences (Some Highlights Below)
1. Founder and chief organizer of ‘Acute Cornea and Adnexa” meeting at Brighton 2017 – 2018.
2. Lead instructor at courses in conferences:
- “Tips and tricks of management of challenging cataract cases” Lead: Mayank A. Nanavaty. Co-faculties: Richard Packard, Brian Little, David Spalton, Larry Benjamin, Paul Rosen, Nic Reus and Sorcha Ni Dhubhangaill. (ESCRS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
- “Tips and tricks for refractive lens exchange in challenging patients”. Lead: Mayank A. Nanavaty. Co-faculties: Thomas Kohnen, Paul Rosen, Julian Stevens, Milind Pande and Sathish Srinivasan. (ESCRS 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
- “Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty unplugged”. Lead: Mayank A. Nanavaty. Co-faculties: Harminder Dua, Anand Parthasarthy, Ashish Nagpal. (ESCRS 2014, ASCRS 2015)
3. Invited faculty at other courses:
- “Refractive cataract surgery and unusual cornea.” Faculties: Mayank A. Nanavaty, Sheraz Daya, Ashraf Armia, Damien Gatinel, Sathish Srinivasan and Arthur Cummings. (ESCRS 2022)
- “Social media in Ophthalmology.” Faculties: Mayank A. Nanavaty, Vaishali Vasavada, Samaresh Srivastava, Takashi Hida, Ishtiaque Anwar, Rahil Chaudhury. (ASCRS 2022, ESCRS 2022)
- “Avoiding complications at the time of cataract surgery”. Faculties: Richard Packard, Mayank A. Nanavaty, Brian Little, Larry Benjamin. (ASCRS 2016)
- “Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty.” Lead faculties: Sheraz Daya, Sadeer Hannush. Wet lab co-faculty: Mayank A. Nanavaty (AAO 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
4. Invited to speak at international congress:
- “IOL fixation in absence of capsular support”. ESCRS winter 2022. Chairs: Jorge L. Alio & David J. Spalton.Speakers: Mayank A. Nanavaty, Richard Packard, Sorcha Ni Dubhanghaill, Gabor Scharioth, Vladimir Pfeifer, Matteo Forlloni
- “Advancement of IOL Optic – How far we can go?”. ESCRS October 2022. Chairs: Gerd Auffarth & Guy Kleinmann. Speakers: Mayank A. Nanavaty, Grzegorz Labuz, Damien Gatinel, Ehud Assia, Giacomo Savini, Pablo Artal.
- “IOL edge profiles”. EFCLIN (European Federation of contact lens and IOL industries) 2019.
- “How Square is Square edge of the IOL” DGII 2020.
- SARCS international congress, UK:
- “PC rupture & Sinking lens”: 2016
- “Femtosecond laser cataract surgery is viable in the NHS”: 2016
- “Ocular surface & Corneal refractive surgery” 2018
- “Preloaded IOL systems”: 2018
- “Extended depth of focus IOLs”: 2022
- “Challenging cases of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty” Atlantic Eye Symposium, Halifax 2014.
- Brighton Cornea Course, Brighton, UK. June 2014 and 2019 Lectures on:
- Measuring corneal shape
- Management of astigmatism in corneal transplant
- Herpers Zoster Keratitis
- DSAEK in difficult cases
- Blunt trauma to anterior segment
- Awarded a shield and invited as a faculty at Xith Biennial Conference of SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology 3rd to 6th October 2013, Bhurban, Pakistan for:
- a) To perform live Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty surgery
- b) Lectures on:
- Management of corneal endothelial disorders
- Limbal stem cell deficiency and it’s management
- Management of ecstatic corneal disorders
- Cataract Surgery in eyes with corneal pathology
- Management of Herpetic eye disease
- UKISCRS: Several talks on routine & complex cataract surgery, DALK, DSAEK, DMEK, keratoconus and ocular surface disease from 2015 till today.
5. Chair and organized of “Phacoemulsification course for nurses’ at Alcon Academy, Frimley, thrice every year since 2014.
6. Chair and organizer for the “Basic phacoemulsification course for doctors” at the Alcon Academy, Barcelona, Spain on 17th November 2017.
7. Chair and organizer for the “Advance phacoemulsification course for ophthalmic nurses” at the Alcon Academy, Barcelona, Spain on 17th November 2017.
8. Chair and organizer for the “Advance technology course for consultant ophthalmic surgeons” at the Alcon Academy, Frimley park, UK on 20th January, 22nd June and 29th September 2017.
9. Organizing faculty on ‘Wet lab on corneal surgery’ for trainees on southeast coast of the UK, Brighton, 1st May 2015
10. Organized and chaired patient group meetings with lectures and discussions on ‘Sjogren’s syndrome and Eye’ for UK Sjogren’s Society yearly since 2014 at Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS trust.
11. Organized and chaired a patient group meeting with lectures and discussions on ‘Updates in keratoconus management” for UK Keratoconus group twice a year since 2018 at Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS trust.
12. Lecture on “Keratoconus and it’s management’ at the East Sussex LOC regional study day on 13th November 2014.
13. Wetlab course for nurses on basic of phacoemulsification: Alcon Academy, Frimley Park, UK. 20th June 2014
- Video presentation on basic phacoemulsification techniques
- Lecture on Biometry
- Lecture on phacodynamics
14. “Modern lamellar keratoplasty” :Corneoplastic course at East Grinstead, 2010 and 2011
15. Wetlab course for iris clip intraocular lenses. 1st October 2010 with Abbott Laboratories.
16. Wetlab course for using Femtosecond Laser in July 2010 with Abbott Laboratories.
Recreational Pursuits
Watching reality programme and films, browsing the Internet for items of academic interest, reading Journals, walking, drawing and sketching, learning newer relevant computer software, meeting new people and making new friends & spending time with my wife Ami, son Vandit (now 18 years old) and daughter Khushi (now 14 years old).